We have 11895 entries.

Entry ID dNTP Dimension Source
Sample origin Compartment Treatment Genetic
DNTP001926 dGTP pmol/106 cell M. musculus 3T6-Swiss albino cell whole cell drug N/A hydroxyurea
DNTP001927 dATP pmol/106 cell M. musculus 3T6-Swiss albino cell whole cell drug N/A hydroxyurea
DNTP001928 dTTP % M. musculus 3T6-Swiss albino cell whole cell drug N/A hydroxyurea
DNTP001929 dCTP % M. musculus 3T6-Swiss albino cell whole cell drug N/A hydroxyurea
DNTP001930 dGTP % M. musculus 3T6-Swiss albino cell whole cell drug N/A hydroxyurea
DNTP001931 dATP % M. musculus 3T6-Swiss albino cell whole cell drug N/A hydroxyurea
DNTP001932 dTTP % M. musculus 3T6-Swiss albino cell whole cell drug N/A hydroxyurea
DNTP001933 dCTP % M. musculus 3T6-Swiss albino cell whole cell drug N/A hydroxyurea
DNTP001934 dGTP % M. musculus 3T6-Swiss albino cell whole cell drug N/A hydroxyurea
DNTP001935 dATP % M. musculus 3T6-Swiss albino cell whole cell drug N/A hydroxyurea
DNTP001936 dTTP % M. musculus 3T6-Swiss albino cell whole cell drug N/A hydroxyurea
DNTP001937 dCTP % M. musculus 3T6-Swiss albino cell whole cell drug N/A hydroxyurea
DNTP001938 dGTP % M. musculus 3T6-Swiss albino cell whole cell drug N/A hydroxyurea
DNTP001939 dATP % M. musculus 3T6-Swiss albino cell whole cell drug N/A hydroxyurea
DNTP001940 dATP % E. coli NR12470 derivative of strain MG1655 whole cell N/A N/A N/A
DNTP001941 dTTP % E. coli NR12470 derivative of strain MG1655 whole cell N/A N/A N/A
DNTP001942 dGTP % E. coli NR12470 derivative of strain MG1655 whole cell N/A N/A N/A
DNTP001943 dCTP % E. coli NR12470 derivative of strain MG1655 whole cell N/A N/A N/A
DNTP001944 dATP % E. coli NR12470 derivative of strain MG1655 whole cell N/A nrdA
DNTP001945 dTTP % E. coli NR12470 derivative of strain MG1655 whole cell N/A nrdA
DNTP001946 dGTP % E. coli NR12470 derivative of strain MG1655 whole cell N/A nrdA
DNTP001947 dCTP % E. coli NR12470 derivative of strain MG1655 whole cell N/A nrdA
DNTP001948 dATP % E. coli NR12470 derivative of strain MG1655 whole cell N/A nrdA
DNTP001949 dTTP % E. coli NR12470 derivative of strain MG1655 whole cell N/A nrdA
DNTP001950 dGTP % E. coli NR12470 derivative of strain MG1655 whole cell N/A nrdA