2'-Deoxyguanosine-5'-triphosphate (Pubchem)
dNTP Pool
Pool identifier POOL002974
Members of this Pool
Last modified: 10/Sep/2021
Schmidt TT, Sharma S, Reyes GX, Gries K, Gross M, Zhao B, Yuan JH, Wade R, Chabes A, Hombauer H: A genetic screen pinpoints ribonucleotide reductase residues that sustain dNTP homeostasis and specifies a highly mutagenic type of dNTP imbalance., Nucleic Acids Res, 2019

Value 80
Dimension pmol/108 CFU
Error (standard deviation) 7
Data presentation in publication numerical
Source organism baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Taxonomy 4932
Bacterial or fungal strain derivatives of the S288c strain
Sample source strain
Compartment whole cell
Experiment Details
Measurement type HPLC-UV
Extraction method acid extraction
Growth conditions logarithmically growing cells
There was no treatment in this experiment.
Genes and Proteins
No genes or proteins manipulated.