2'-Deoxyadenosine 5'-triphosphate (Pubchem)
dNTP Pool
This entry does not belong to any pool in the database.
Members of control pools
Last modified: 10/Sep/2021
Herrmann A, Wittmann S, Thomas D, Shepard CN, Kim B, Ferreirós N, Gramberg T: The SAMHD1-mediated block of LINE-1 retroelements is regulated by phosphorylation., Mob DNA, 2018

Value 1.69
Dimension μM
Error (standard deviation) 0.46
Data presentation in publication diagram
Source organism human (Homo sapiens)
Taxonomy 9606
Sample source cell line
CLO Cell line name 293T/17 cell (CLO:0001235)
Cell line/type as in publication 293T shSAMHD1
Compartment whole cell
Experiment Details
Measurement type LC-MS
Extraction method methanol
Remarks to measurement type Thomas et al. 2015
Growth conditions FBS supplemented with 0.5 μg/ml puromycin
Treatment details/effects SAMHD1 silencing, overexpression of mutant
Genes and Proteins
Gene name Samhd1
Gene identifier 25939
Protein name SAMHD1
Protein identifier Q9Y3Z3
Genetic manipulation/variation silencing
Gene name Samhd1
Gene identifier 25939
Protein name SAMHD1
Protein identifier Q9Y3Z3
Genetic manipulation/variation extrachromosomal expression of mutant protein
Mutation in protein L428S,Y432S, oligomerisation defective mutant