2'-Deoxycytidine-5'-triphosphate (Pubchem)
dNTP Pool
Pool identifier POOL000006
Members of this Pool
Members of control pools
Last modified: 10/Sep/2021
Cserepes M, Türk D, Tóth S, Pape VFS, Gaál A, Gera M, Szabó JE, Kucsma N, Várady G, Vértessy BG, Streli C, Szabó PT, Tovari J, Szoboszlai N, Szakács G: Unshielding Multidrug Resistant Cancer through Selective Iron Depletion of P-Glycoprotein-Expressing Cells., Cancer Res, 2020

Value 0.6036
Dimension pmol/106 cell
Error (standard error of the mean) 0.2464
Data presentation in publication diagram
Source organism human (Homo sapiens)
Taxonomy 9606
Sample source cell line
CLO Cell line name MES-SA cell (CLO:0007677)
Cell line/type as in publication MES-SA/B1 (derived from MES-SA, ABCB1 overexpression)
Compartment whole cell
Experiment Details
Measurement type dNTP incorporation assay
Extraction method methanol
Remarks to measurement type modified Wilson, Szabo et al.
Growth conditions Cultured cells were treated with DMSO and with the indicated drug for 24 hours.
Drug/stress type drug
PubChem 3657
Applied drug hydroxyurea
Treatment details/effects inhibition of deoxynucleotide synthesis; increased expression of ABCB1 transporter
Genes and Proteins
Gene name ABCB1
Gene identifier 5243
Protein name ATP-dependent translocase ABCB1
Protein identifier P08183
Genetic manipulation/variation extrachromosomal protein expression